Our foundation is innovative thinking in recruitment where a personal approach blends seamlessly with process automatisation.

Our values

Next-gen methods

We constantly research and educate ourselves, since methods of today might not work tomorrow. Our focus is equally split between HR and tech. We use AI, automatization and low-code systems to continuously optimize and evolve.


We aim to present the candidates an offer which contain information relevant for them. Our dialogs are built to match the individual preferences of both the client and the candidate. We don’t do cold calling, nor do we send mass emails.


Both the candidate and the client has full insight from the start. We put everything on table from day 1 and expect the same from the counterpart. We don’t use manipulative selling techniques.

Our clients

The core team

Jędrzej Bromirski

Founder | IT recruiter | Branding strategist


Ewa Fijałkowska

Sourcer | Workflow Manager


Stach Borawski

Career Coach | Business Psychologist


Deep technological insight, fast processes and understanding of both the client's and the candidates needs, are the key attributes of our recruiters.